Monday 29 July 2013

Road to Work

Just to prove I actually do do some work out here!! Here is the video I have just finished making and editing to feature in a social media sketch we are working on detailing the wide variety of transport modes throughout the global offices.


Friday 26 July 2013

Meet Penny the Skateboard

What is really edgy, boyish and unlike me... in my eyes - SKATEBOARDING!!

But I made a pact to immerse myself into the American culture whilst I'm here. And what better way to explore this buzzing country than on 4 pastel pink wheels?!

I have been threatening this for a while (much to E's dislike) but I finally manned up and strode confidently into a skate shop. Safe to say this façade was quickly shattered as I wobbled, swayed and eventually tumbled onto the shop floor from my new wheels. Ouchhh
But for me, giving up is never an option. And with many concerning comments from the shop keeper I very slowly rolled out of his shop.

Needless to say I have been practising hard! But it's still very shaky!

Whoaaa steady!

So far I've had one massive wipe-out and plenty of funny looks. Especially when Penny shoots across the road with me left on the sidewalk. Many apologies later and I can just about ride to and from work without too much mishap!! (touch-wood)

The reason why I chose this bad boy is because it is so CUTE!! Its called a Penny Skateboard and they are really small and easy to carry around. They also come in loads of different colours! I picked a girly colour because I'm not sure I can pull off the completely edgy look quite yet!

Bad-ass don't you think?!
Now I have NO excuse to be late to work!

Thursday 25 July 2013

Landon Street


And I'm loving it!!! I've been terribly busy hence the lack of posts but I've been having lots of fun!!

As a typical English girl the first thing I notice is the vast size of EVERYTHING!!! Not only are most cars basically mini trucks but coffee mugs, roads and wine glasses also look as if they were made for Hagrid (not that I'm complaining about the latter one)! I guess I fitted right in when I travelled with a suitcase that I couldn't even pick up myself.

The office is wonderful, and my desk makes me feel as if I am a pro! I have finally bought myself a proper camera but you will have to bear with me wrestling with my iphone for a week before it arrives. Luckily a new friend of mine, Jessica Kobeissi lent her expertise for most of these photos!

I went for my first run this morning and realized that I have travelled 3663 miles away from home yet my address is still Landon Street, Birmingham... could that sound anymore English.

I'm currently working on a trail run that the company are organising... the combination of events planning and running - could that be any more perfect?!? I'll keep you posted as I think this this one is going to be a good'un!

Friday 19 July 2013

Goodbye England

Only 2 days left in England!!!!
On Monday at some ungodly hour I'm off to the crazy land of Stars and Stripes and beginning my American adventure - the key ingredient for the birth of this blog! 

I've got a wonderful last weekend planned but it has meant Ive been packing all week. Packing is definitely the worst part of exploring... Actually unpacking is probably worse... Dirty washing, holiday blues, jet lag, you see where I'm coming from!? 

gif maker at

So I'm interning for 5 weeks then travelling for 2 weeks. Those 2 couldn't be more different... Cue major wardrobe dilemma!!

Too many sunnies??

I have also been frantically attempting to update my iTunes with some uncharacteristically 'edgy' music. I think the 5 songs in my recently added playlist may get a little repetitive! But i have no idea where to start! Suggestions gratefully welcomed!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Breakfast Smoothie

There is nothing I like better than starting the day feeling FAB!

And as many of you know I have whizzed up my delicious smoothie nearly every morning for the past 4 years! I reckon its about time I wrote down the actual recipe so you guys can enjoy the morning boost too!

I quick hope skip and a jump down to the market will land you with all sorts of seasonal fruit, and the beauty of this recipe is that it can be made with just about anything!

For this mornings delight I went for 
    - Stawberries
    - Banana
    - And a selection of berries straight from mummy's garden!

Grab your blender and throw in 100ml of milk, a tablespoon of yoghurt and 100ml of juice, I went for cranberry because it is rich in antioxidants.

Then add 1 banana and 120g of frozen fruit... literally anything works! Have a good old experiment with your favorite fruits (kiwi and mango work surprisingly well together!)

Finally I add a small spoon of Chlorella - a nutrient rich powder which aids the regeneration of cells. But of course it tastes just as good without.

Whizz it up, add a spinkling of musli if you wish and and hey presto!

Now find yourself a sunny perch and enjoy an uba healthy but delicious breakfast!

Monday 15 July 2013

Jenson Button Trust Triathlon

Another crazy weekend in the life of an intern! I was at Jenson Button's Trust Triathlon in Lunton Hoo. It couldn't be further from the flashy bulbs of Silverstone.

We stayed in a Premier Inn the night before and managed to make the classic mistake! With 2 hotels within a mile of each other the unhelpful taxi man dropped as at the wrong one and then made a hasty get away! Cheers!!!

But the day itself was incredible and I have been inspired to take up triathlon again. It's one of those events you go to and straight after decide it looks easy and should be your next goal in life. This happens to me far too often! So far my missions have included a circus performer, a ballarina, an athlete, a slalom skier and a figure skater!

...or maybe a beach bum who travels around in one of these...

One of the main sponsors for the tri was Chobani; a relatively new brand of super yoghurt! It has 12.6g of protein, 30% more than your average yoghurt...perfect for a post work out snack!

Along with chilling with JB I met the winner of the men's tri, a charming Irish chappy called Gavin Noble.

Maybe i'll ask him for some training lessons!